Faced with rising labor costs, Taiwanese companies are increasingly utilizing the latest sophisticated technologies to go beyond conventional automation to embrace Industry 4.0. A growing number of Taiwanese manufacturers are making the leap to smart factories, reflecting the worldwide trend towards industrial automation known as “Industry 4.0.” The Tsai administration has made the development of…

Artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cryptocurrency all offer avenues for growth as global demand eases for mobile devices. Taiwan’s semiconductor manufacturer are looking for new growth drivers as the global market for mobile devices cools. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and virtual currencies appear to be offering abundant opportunities. “We’re seeing a rapid diversification…

Although advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) more often make headlines for their potential as job killers, Taiwan is looking avidly at these burgeoning new technology industries as job creators and key to the continued success of its vast Information Technology (IT) sector. IT products including semiconductors and electronic…