The proposed approach to regulating meal replacement foods would create some serious problems. Meal replacement formula foods and beverages are used most commonly by dieters looking to shed some weight. The product is intended to be only a partial replacement for conventional meals – not the sole contributor to one’s daily intake. Since the purpose…

Food companies find it hard to comply with a rule on the listing of ingredients.   In the food industry lexicon, a “carry-over” is a substance – either a food ingredient or a food additive – that is present in a food product only because it is a subcomponent of another ingredient. The carry-over performs no…

AmCham’s Retail Committee offers suggestions on making proposed regulatory changes more practical. Whenever member economies of the World Trade Organization propose to alter existing regulations in ways that would potentially impact foreign products or services, a comment period of up to 90 days is available for other governments or concerned parties to raise objections or…

A National Drug Policy Forum brought wide discussion but few conclusions. The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) in early February convened a one-day National Drug Policy Forum (originally scheduled to be held in December 2014), bringing together representatives from the various stakeholders: government, hospitals and other healthcare providers, the pharmaceutical industry (both originals and…

What is needed now is a full, transparent listing of all the criteria upon which investments will be judged. Since its establishment in 2012, AmCham Taipei’s Private Equity Committee has held numerous constructive meetings with officials from relevant government agencies, particularly the Investment Commission under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Financial Supervisory Commission….

AmCham Taipei 2015 White Paper follow-up meetings with various government agencies. Each year the various AmCham Taipei committees follow up their White Paper entries with calls on the relevant government offices to discuss the current advocacy issues. Over the past several months these meetings have included: Environmental Protection Administration, December 22. On behalf of the…

Taiwan executive Yuan building

The deadline for completion of the reorganization plan has been extended to the end of this year. Under the original schedule, a plan for extensive restructuring of the government’s executive branch – reducing the number of cabinet-level agencies from 37 to 29 and enhancing efficiency by bringing related functions under the same ministry – was…

animal cosmetic testing white mice

How to protect animals while also ensuring consumer safety? A bill currently before the Legislative Yuan would prohibit the manufacture and sale in Taiwan of cosmetics products tested on animals when alternative methods are available. It would authorize the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) to designate the alternative methods specified for industry use. If…