For better or worse, Taiwan received unprecedented global interest in 2022. Coverage in internationally read publications, such as The New Yorker, The Economist, and The Atlantic, has been lengthy and detailed. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimates that the foreign media presence in Taiwan has increased by more than 30% since 2020. These developments, coupled…

Taiwanese seafood products were in October included by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) in its List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, retaining the forced-labor designation it first received in 2020. According to the DOL, workers in the industry are hired by agencies that require them to pay recruitment fees and…

Many AmCham member companies have raised the issue of discrepancies in perceived threats to the Taiwan market between their local subsidiary or branch office and headquarters. Declining cross-Strait relations is expected to aggravate this discrepancy, which may in turn undermine confidence in future investment in Taiwan.  Diving into the current geopolitical dynamic and political, economic,…

The United States and Taiwan on August 17 announced that talks under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade would begin this fall. The 11 trade areas that will be addressed in the negotiations include trade facilitation, good regulatory practices, anti-corruption, small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), agriculture, standards, labor, environment, state-owned enterprises, nonmarket policies and practices, and…

The world of patient care is constantly evolving, thanks to the hard work, continuous innovation, and collaborative spirit of doctors, international healthcare providers, patient advocacy groups, and governments. To showcase some of the latest developments in this sector and their potential benefits for Taiwanese patients, AmCham Taiwan and the American Institute in Taiwan jointly held…

The Community Services Center turns 35 this year, a significant milestone for the organization. Founded in 1987, the Taipei-based nonprofit has striven to provide high-quality support services to Taiwan’s foreign residents to help them settle and acclimate to life in Taiwan. Chief among the Center’s top-tier attributes is its strong and diverse counseling team. All…