Tragedy Strikes Taichung MRT

Four people were killed and four others injured in Taichung when a massive steel girder suspended over an MRT construction site fell the height of three stories, crushing a car and killing its driver and three construction workers.

Taichung-mrt-collapse-2015The four injured were also construction workers. Witnesses said that no traffic control was in place at the time the girder was being moved, and that the 43-meter-long, 209-ton girder appeared to be unbalanced before the accident, raining debris onto the street below. The accident happened on the site of the Green Line, the first of three proposed MRT lines in Taichung.  A preliminary report issued by the Taipei Department of Rapid Transit Systems (DORTS), which is responsible for the Green Line construction, cited human error by supervisors and workers at the site as the cause of the accident. Prosecutors are investigating further.